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Consumer Behavior:Buying, Having, and Being (GE)11版
有關Consumer Behavior:Buying, Having, and Being (GE)11版的詳細介紹如下:
1.A totally reorganized Table of Contents that now presents a comprehensive overview of the field in 12 chapters. The new structure organizes material into three sections of four chapters each, so that instructors can easily cover one chapter per week in a typical semester.
2.Six new end-of-chapter cases and six updated end-of-chapter cases.
3.A strong focus on social media platforms and how they change consumer behavior.
4.A new chapter on Consumer and Social Well-Being that highlights pressing ethical issues relevant to consumer behavior such as privacy, sustainability, and addiction.Significant coverage of major emerging topics including Big Data, the Digital Self, gamification, and contextual influences on decision-making such as priming and nudging.
作者: Solomon
Consumer Behavior:Buying, Having, and Being (GE)11版